Staff Directory
Parish Staff Directory
(click on a name below to email a staff person)
Fr. Roy Remo
Fr. Samuel Musiimenta
Parochial Vicar
Deacon Rich Foley
Adult Faith Formation Coordinator
Rich was ordained a deacon in 2006. His first ministry was at the St. Vincent de Paul Wellness Center in the Mission District. He served an Archdiocesan Director of Deacon Formation from 2010-2015 and was assigned to St. Matthias Parish in 2011.
Rich has enjoyed a career of almost 50 years in public education as a middle school teacher, elementary principal, district superintendent, county curriculum director and, most recently adjunct professor of education at NDNU. He received his doctorate in education from the University of San Francisco in 1986. Rich enjoys traveling and being Granpa to two adorable grandsons. My life has been and continues to be a life of service to others—family, friends, parishioners and those in need.
Deacon David Rolandelli
RCIA Coordinator
Joey Gutierrez
Pastoral Associate
I recently moved here from Texas to study for a Masters of Divinity at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. I come to you with a Bachelors degree in Religious Studies and a Masters in Pastoral Ministry. I have worked in ministry for over 22 years.
A little more about me…I have an adult son named Matthew who married his high-school sweetheart, Alicia, at the end of the summer. I have a mini schnauzer named Sofia, who may seem spoiled, but she has me trained well. I love to read, hike and swim when I am not studying or ministering. I enjoy playing the piano and organ in liturgy, as I have done since the 3rd grade.
My favorite saints are St. Theresa of Avila and St. Francis of Assisi. Their examples have shaped my life and ministry. I can talk about Liberation Theology for hours on end. My favorite scripture is: You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 I look forward to meeting you all and learning more about our parish community.
Lisa Bamford
Administrative Assistant
In August, 2015 I joined the St. Matthias Staff as Receptionist. You can find me in the Rectory four days a week, handling Mass requests, logging your donations, managing supplies for the Church and Hall, and generally helping Sabrina, Rich, and our priests in whatever way I can. I am also part of the Family Support Group.
On the personal side, I have lived here in Redwood City with my husband, Jon, and three children for 25 years. My previous career was as a Marriage and Family Therapist; and prior to that I was in corporate Organizational Development. Happily, for ten years I was home with my children full-time.
I am enjoying getting to know our parishioners! Please call or come by the Rectory if there is anything I can help you with.
Melanie Dresbach
Music Director
Rosemary Juarez
Preschool Director