New to St. Matthias?
If you are new or returning to St. Matthias, WELCOME!
In order to help you get the information you need more quickly, we have created this check list to help you find the information you need.
- Have you REGISTERED* at St. Matthias?
- Do you want to be MARRIED at St. Matthias?
- Do you have PRESCHOOL-AGED children?
- Do you have children in KINDERGARTEN – 4TH GRADE?
- Do you have MIDDLE SCHOOL (5-8th GRADE) children?
- Do you have HIGH SCHOOL children?
- Do you need to have your child BAPTIZED?
- Do you need to have your child CONFIRMED?
- Does your child need to RECEIVE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION?
- Do you want to serve in MINISTRY?
Registering in the parish
Registering in the parish is helpful to our staff because then we know who you are and can better meet your needs. You will receive mailings from the parish about timely events.