“To be Christian stewards of all God’s gifts to us includes more than generous giving of time, talent and treasure.” Shaping our Future
A Christian steward is one who received God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with all, and return them with increase to the Lord.
Finance Council
This Council is composed of parishioners who have expertise in financial, legal or accounting matters. They advise our parish administrator and staff on budgeting, review of financial statements and financial decision making. See more about the Finance Council on the Parish Leadership page.
Collection Committee
Rotating groups of parishioners count the collections each week, recording and depositing donations according to Archdiocesan guidelines.
Office Assistance
Occasional projects in the Parish or Preschool Offices call for the help of many hands. Usually nothing more difficult than folding, collating or labelling is required, and participation is at your convenience.
Facility Support and Operations
A number of parishioners with skills in carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, etc. serve the parish on an as-needed basis. The help they provide with maintenance and minor repairs saves the parish time and resources.