The Matthian:
We’re Still Here
Public Masses Have Been Suspended — Live Streaming Continues.
Some ministries have resumed and we are adjusting to virtual meetings.
Welcome to the latest issue of The Matthian.
A nod to the founding members of the parish community, utilizing a new way to communicate and stay in touch.
UPDATE: Access Live-streamed Masses
Because San Mateo County was added to the State of California’s Watch List for COVID-19, additional restrictions were ordered for houses of worship.
Starting the weekend of August 1-2nd, St. Matthias will offer one Mass per weekend, Saturday at 5:00 pm which will be live-streamed to our YouTube channel “Live Streams from St. Matthias in Redwood City.” Please subscribe to the channel for easier access.
St. Charles will offer one Mass per weekend, Sunday 8:30 am outdoors in the parking lot between the Parish Center and Church. Folks are invited to bring their own chairs. This Mass will also be live streamed to St. Charles’ Facebook page.
If you miss the live stream, videos of each Mass are still available on YouTube and Facebook and our parish website,
UPDATE: YouTube no longer supports email notifications to subscribers. Please click here to read updated instructions.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings: Is 56:1, 5-6; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6. 8; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28
It’s hard to persevere for justice when obstacles and life’s challenges seem to be overwhelming. Our faith and our faith community gives us strength to do what is right and just.
The prophet Isaiah in our first reading tells us, “Observe what is right, do what is just; for my salvation is about to come, my justice, about to be revealed.” Isaiah is telling the exiled people of Israel that there will be justice. St. Paul goes further and says that God will show great mercy, the kind of which only God can bring to the world. Click here to read more.
Subscribe to the St. Matthias Bulletin
Due to the restrictions in place because of the global pandemic, all worship aids were removed from Church except the weekly bulletin. This now contains the readings for Sunday Mass, prayer requests and Mass Intentions. You can receive this resource to your email inbox by subscribing or at Mass. Subscribe to the bulletin by clicking here
Missionary Co-Op Collection This Weekend
Each year St. Matthias hosts a missionary priest for one weekend during the summer. During all the Masses, the missionary shares experiences of their home diocese and makes an appeal to the community to financially support their needs and spiritually support their mission through our prayers. This year, our very own Fr. Samuel was assigned as our missionary:
I am Rev. Samuel Musiimenta, ordained on August 6th, 2005 for the Catholic diocese of Fort Portal in Uganda, East Africa. Click here to read more.
You’ll Be Back
Social distancing got you missing church? You’ll be back! Our priest’s parody of the hit Hamilton song turns King George’s threat into a joyful promise. Courtesy of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church YouTube channel. Thanks to parishioner Nichole Herbert for sharing.
St. Matthias Preschool to Reopen September 8, 2020
50% Discount on Registration Fee ends August 17th!
Dear Parents:
St. Matthias Preschool is pleased to announce the REOPENING of our program on Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
We are confident that we have everything we need to reopen to serve the children and families of our communities provided that we have a minimum enrollment of 24 children, 36 preferred. Click here to read more.
Becoming Catholic – RCIA
Do you know someone who has thought about becoming Catholic or, for whatever reason, has been baptized but has not been confirmed or received Holy Communion?
The Roman Catholic Church has a process for adults who desire to become Catholic or to complete the Sacraments of Initiation for those already Baptized (Confirmation, Eucharist). Click here to read more.
UPDATE: Adult Faith Formation Survey
St. Matthias Adult Faith Formation Survey
Thank you to those who completed the Adult Faith Formation Survey — if you haven’t had a chance to complete it yet – the link is above. We will be meeting later this week to review the results and create a plan for our adult faith formation offerings. There are already things in the works — Bible Study will begin Sept 14th, RCIA will begin Sept 20th. If you are interested in either of those programs, contact Deacon Rich.
Breaking Open the Word Group
“When I first received the email from Sabrina on May 1 inviting me to the small Faith Sharing Group, I knew that this was something that I had to do. I had been let go from my job that very same day so I took this as a sign from God … read more.
NEW: Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Registration Has Begun
Do you have school-aged children that you’d like to enroll in faith formation? Do you have a child who has not received First Holy Communion yet? Do you have an incoming high school student who is interested in the sacrament of Confirmation? If so, our GIFT program is for your family! Generations in Faith Together, or GIFT, is our family-based faith formation (aka religious education) program at St. Matthias. REGISTRATION HAS BEGUN. EMAIL SABRINA FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Here are some Family Faith Formation Ideas for August!