Today’s Reflection from Father Dave
Dear friends can you help me? I am stranded in London; my credit cards, currency, and passport were stolen, and I need to get home. Would you be so kind to send some financial help until I can get back to the United States and straighten things out?
Blessings, Fr. David Ghiorso
Many of us have received messages like this; our computers have been compromised, and some email addresses have been used to try and solicit funds. My staff and friends who received this message notified me and commented: “We knew it was not you by how you ended the note.” It seems that “blessings” was a dead giveaway the email wasn’t from me.
When I began these reflections almost three weeks ago it was to try and speak about my experiences of the presence of God during a very unique period of life. I wanted to focus on those wonderful virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. This week has proven to be a challenge because a great deal of conversation has been about finances: how to keep the parishes of St. Matthias and St. Charles going as our revenue streams are but a trickle? Our preschool and K-8 programs continue but have their challenges as families are also in a state of limbo, with employment and incomes in question. I was being encouraged by our parishes’ Finance Councils to write or speak to our fiscal needs, yet I have felt uncomfortable to ask for help during these uncertain times.
So my morning walk was not as peaceful, and to top it off my new headlamp started to blink for some reason. It had been so dependable these last few weeks. Then as one would say, “the light bulb went on in my head.” I hadn’t put it in the charger since this all began almost 3 weeks ago, and the blinking was simply a reminder that it needs a charge. Sometimes the Lord gives me little nudges, and sometimes I think He uses a Mack truck to make His point when I am a little slow to comprehend.
On Sundays we build the ability to share our resources through the collection. It is not a payment for mass; it is an offering back to God from what we have received in life. I do appreciate those who have continued to support our parishes, and some by very unique and funny ways. So with this reflection, I do make an appeal to you, my friends, for assistance in this time, asking each to consider what you are able to give to your parish.
When times are difficult we make choices that reflect what we truly believe. We give in Faith that things will get better. We give in Hope that we come out of this time stronger and more the person God wants us to be. We give in Love for one another.
Blessings, The Wandering Padre
Father Dave