The Matthian:
We’re Still Here
Volume 4, Issue has 3: Sunday, July 19, 2020
Masses have resumed and the Church is still alive and well.
Some ministries have resumed and we are adjusting to virtual meetings.
Welcome to the latest issue of The Matthian.
A nod to the founding members of the parish community, utilizing a new way to communicate and stay in touch.
All Are Welcome at Mass!
A new page on the parish website has been created for COVID-19 updates. Please check frequently to stay up to date.
St. Matthias 10:30 am Mass will be Live streamed on YouTube
St. Matthias’ 10:30 am Sunday Mass will be live streamed. We have established a YouTube channel for parishioners to access this Mass each weekend. Click here to learn more.
Scripture Reflection – The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s readings are rich in giving us God’s Word for our nourishment, strength and encouragement, especially for any of us who may be suffering or discouraged. This may include all of us as we deal with the day to day developments of the virus. The coronavirus presents us with many challenges, but we will get through this with God’s grace and assistance. Read more.
Mass Intentions for July 25-26
Due to the pandemic and the limitations to worship services, we have not been able to celebrate the lives of loved ones and friends who have passed away. For this reason, we are recognizing those members of our parish family who have returned home to our Lord at Masses each week. So that others can participate in prayer or by attending Mass, we will announce Mass Intentions one week prior to the celebration.
Next weekend’s Mass Intentions are:
Saturday, July 25 at 5:00 pm — Clara Hutchinson (+)
Sunday, July 26 at 10:30 am — Richard Marino (+)
Subscribe to the St. Matthias Bulletin
Due to the restrictions in place because of the global pandemic, all worship aids were removed from Church except the weekly bulletin. This now contains the readings for Sunday Mass, prayer requests and Mass Intentions. You can receive this resource to your email inbox by subscribing or at Mass. Subscribe to the bulletin by clicking here
Faith Formation Ideas for Adults and Families
For Parents: Small Faith Sharing Group
“When I first received the email from Sabrina on May 1 inviting me to the small Faith Sharing Group, I knew that this was something that I had to do. I had been let go from my job that very same day so I took this as a sign from God … read more.
For Families with Children:
Our GIFT program is scheduled to begin on Sept 13th. If you have Kindergarten – 12th grade students and would like more information about our plans for these and other programs, please email Sabrina.
Check out St. Matthias’ Pinterest Page for faith formation ideas for families for the month of July.
Peninsula Multifaith Coalition: An Interfaith Discussion about Race
Dear PMC Friends,
Talking about Racism is difficult for many people. Working to end racism in our institutions and systems is even harder. At times we feel alone and discouraged. As a partner in the PMC, we know that sharing and working together is powerful. We get so much accomplished together.The PMC is facilitating an event called, “An Interfaith Discussion About Racism” on Monday, August 3rd at 7:00 pm. Here is the Flyer. This event will be an important avenue to listen to people talking about racism and to share how we have been working for justice for all people. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL PEOPLE, not just us in the PMC. Please share this flyer with your congregants, friends, family and neighbors. This is a unique opportunity to discuss race in an interfaith environment.
Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg,
President of the Board of the Peninsula Multifaith Coalition
BACAR Hosts a Conversation About Race
BACAR, the Bay Area Conference of Associates and Religious is hosting a conversation about race on Wednesday, August 5th at 10:00 am. Click here to read more.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have reminded all people to good will to pray for an end to the pandemic of racism in our country and world.
St. Matthias Preschool Update
Like many private schools in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, St. Matthias Preschool has been negatively impacted by the public health crisis caused by COVID-19. The Preschool has been closed since March 12, 2020. Starting on April 1st and continuing through June 26th, the end of the school year, a distance learning model was implemented. Many parents withdrew their children, but expressed interest in returning to the Preschool once its door could reopen. Click here to read more.
Special Thanks to Our Donors!
St. Matthias would like to thank the approximately 30 families who are currently giving electronically and those who continue to make weekly or monthly donations either by dropping off checks or envelopes in collection baskets at Mass… Read more.